In a big country, there will be unevenness in the resources
spread. So will be availability of skill sets and wages too. But people
migrating helps it reduce the gaps in wages and skill availability. When it
comes to materials, good infrastructure and efficient transportation can help reduce
the pricing inefficiencies across markets within India. But the earlier tax
system, dominated by different outlooks by respective State Govt.’s had made
the playing ground unequal especially for manufactured goods. Take the example
of manufacturing of a two-wheeler, its assembly plant is in one state but the raw
materials, spare parts come from different states. Tyre's, batteries,
spark-plug, speedometer, steel to make chassis do come from different states
and attract different tax rates. So producing the same two-wheeler may cost
different in different states for the same manufacturer. And the final product
too will attract different tax rates when it is being sold. These variations
would reduce or cease to exist as GST comes into play. States Govt.’s will lose
their power to levy more taxes or to promote any segment with less taxes at
their will as there will be one tax collected by the central Govt. and states
will to have to collect their share from it. But they have not lost their
entire power as few major businesses like liquor are kept out of GST. Yet, this
is a welcome move in integrating manufacturing and trade in India and making it
one platform and one market.

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