Friday, October 23, 2020

Motivational world of Podcasts

Let me tell how all this started. I have been walking as a regular exercise consistently at least for an hour everyday for the past one year. Initially I had fellow walkers walking along with with me. But they had no consistent routine or my time did not match theirs. And then came the rainy season. That did not let me go far away from home and I have to make rounds nearby. And during those walks, I would use my free hands to make phone calls I had to make but they won't last long for an hour and there won't be any need to make calls everyday. 

So I was looking for listening to something as I walked. I was used to watching on youtube - 'Talks at Google', I observed that the same is available as podcast. Similarly 'Farnam Street' blogger has his own podcast. That was nice and interesting. As I started exploring further, I hit the goldmine - Naval. I was so absorbed listening to him and re-listening to him on his podcasts. That accompanied my walks for couple of weeks. In fact, listening to him was so wonderful, my walks became longer. Than I got hooked up to other podcasts - one by Robert Greene, one of my favorite authors, then "Knowledge Project" by Shane Parrish, and now going through "Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman".  They reduced my reading time but I was able to absorb the information, knowledge, insights offered in these podcasts with almost same intensity of reading. There is one Kannada story channel "ಕೇಳಿರೊಂದು ಕಥೆಯ" too, which I play for my 4 year old son for bedtime stories.

As I share with you always the things that inspire me and keep my mind occupied, I thought I can't keep away from sharing this too.

Here are the links to podcasts:

Robert Greene Mentoring You:

The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish:

Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman:

ಕೇಳಿರೊಂದು ಕಥೆಯ:

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