Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Book Review: The Audacity of Hope by Barrack Obama

Politics without doing politics


When Barrack Obama was calling for press meets during earlier days of his political career, no one would turn up. He had to drive for hours to deliver a speech only to find that there are only two people sitting across a kitchen table. But he had the audacity to hope that his ideals would be noticed, and his thoughts accepted sooner than later. So began his journey into politics while he remained humble throughout his journey to the Whitehouse.


His thoughts, ideas, opinions, and struggles are all documented in this book ‘The Audacity of Hope’. This is not just his account or biography. It is much more than that. It is about American dream. It is about the oppressed. It is about Democrats vs. Republicans. It is about those who built the constitution. It is about what politics can do and cannot do to uplift the lives of those at the bottom of pyramid. It is about the values one brings to the table. It is about identifying the opportunities and taking bold steps to realize them. It is about representing his voters and constituency. It is about why few politicians change their personalities and become corrupt on the way. It is about how to influence the larger society to bring in a change. It is about bringing in policies that would show results only after a decade. It is about his religion and race. It is about remaining empathetic while being in control of political power.


If you had liked Obama delivering his speeches, he would further impress you in this book with his finer arguments, care for the underprivileged, and his ideas about a broader society not limiting to citizens of America. I wish I had read this book earlier but nevertheless better late than never. I wish that my sons read this book too when they are ready, to get a broader view of what life offers. For budding politicians, this book could be an inspiration. And for any other regular readers, this book will surely expand their horizons and refine their thoughts and perspectives.

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