Thursday, June 15, 2023

Rich people but fallen angels

What do you call a person with 3 wives and 10 kids? Well, that is Elon Musk for you. Going by Indian standards, he would be considered immoral, arrogant, against society’s values etc. But in the US (and all over the world too), he has a great fan following for many reasons. His technical skills, business skills and the wealth he has gathered because of them are not a point of discussion here. In India (or may be in few Asian countries), even if someone is extremely rich, marrying multiple times would not be acceptable. At least he is not considered a good person or a person to be looked up to. But the most advanced country in the world (US) does not seem to care about it.

Elon is not alone or just one exceptional case. Bill Gates another richest person in the world got divorced at such an old age. You would wonder why. His (former) wife surely had her own reasons which need not be expressed openly to everyone.

If you read biography of Steve Jobs, you would know that at first, he abandoned his first daughter, did not accept paternity only to accept it during final years of his life. But no one seems to pay attention to the blunders Steve Jobs had done to his family. He was and is still a legendary visionary this world has ever seen. He too has been embraced all over the world despite questionable values in his personal life.

In India, if someone is too rich and famous, people look at that person with wonder. But at the same time, if that person lives a personal life not acceptable to the larger society, he is criticized in the same breath he is praised. They would treat him like a fallen angel and not a person to be looked up to blindly.

Every society has its own values. What is acceptable in the US, need not be acceptable here. And at the same time, people of India might be seen as emotional fools by the people living in the US. Each to his own.

This problem would be a pain for the immigrants, who grew up in India but moved on to US for a better future. They would have better access to learning and employment opportunities. But they get wrong ideals for their kids. They just don’t see Elon Musk as only technically competent and rich guy but also as the one who had multiple affairs, who thinks liberally about marriage, and as a cool guy posing with different models every other year.

Well, everything comes at a cost. Give one to get one. 

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